A dream came true for my inner child this year; I decided to follow my heart and make a purchase for her. This month I purchased us a handcrafted elk drum that I have talked myself out of this purchase in the past because I felt it was too extravagant, too pricey, and wasn’t a need. For a while, this desire would subside but remained hidden in a tiny space within my heart.
When I was in 5th or 6th grade, I joined the school band. When it was time to select my instrument of choice, I was excited because I knew I wanted to play the drums. I recall very clearly telling my grandfather that I wanted to select the drum as my instrument; he said to me that that was probably a better instrument for a boy. The drum was too heavy. So I wound up choosing the flute. I was a terrible flute player. I remember only being able to play b flat. Now, I’m sure I could’ve been better at playing flute if I had an interest in it, but I didn’t.
For a while, I skated by blending in with the rest of the flute players pretending to play the notes with them. But once I got caught by the band instructor, he could no longer tolerate it and told me I needed lessons to stay in the band. The point of this story is that allowing my inner child to have this drum has made me extremely happy. Playing it fills me with so much joy. I am excited to play it for our garden and my favorite tree at the beach.
So I’m writing this to say listen to your inner child; what do they want? What are they asking you to do? Feel free to comment below this post.
*Drum created by quetzalcoatlmusic.org